Thursday, December 9, 2010

WikiLeaks - World War III in the making?

Yes, it’s the global buzz of the moment. WikiLeaks has become a household name. Its impacts are global; heard, viewed, read and talked everywhere you go.

WikiLeaks is an international new media non-profit organization that publishes submissions of otherwise unavailable documents from anonymous news sources and leaks. Its website was launched in 2006. Within a year of its launch, the site claimed a database that had grown to more than 1.2 million documents. The organization has described itself as having been founded by Chinese dissidents, as well as journalists, mathematicians, and start-up company technologists from the United States, Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and South Africa. The Guardian newspaper describes Julian Assange, an Australian Internet activist, as its director.

And as we all know by now, WikiLeaks has “leaked” some juicy, damning and jaw breaking secret diplomatic documents of the world superpower USA. The leaks sparked and hyped attention, discussions, disclosures and hot seat grilling of almost all world leaders, diplomats and nations across the globe, down from the islands of the Maldives to Russia and China.

Apart from the entertainment we enjoy from those sensational revelations and shockwaves thereafter, there is and underlying warfare already started and growing by every millisecond.

Soon after the major service providers of WikiLeaks unplugged their services and the subsequent “arrest” (actually Assange turned himself in), his “fan club” or those who like the idea behind his actions, have launched multiple cyber attacks under the the name of “Operation Payback” on big corporations like Amazon, MasterCard and diplomats, who have negatively voiced or acted on WikiLeaks or its founder, Julian Assange. As a reaction, governments have already started “attacking” the cyber attackers to crush them.

Operation Payback is a coordinated group of attacks on internet piracy opponents by internet activists or recently referred to as hacktivists. It started as retaliation to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on torrent sites; piracy proponents then decided to launch DDoS attacks on piracy opponents. The initial reaction snowballed into a wave of attacks on several major anti-piracy groups. Operation Payback is affiliated with Anonymous; an army of hacktivists. Of course, the “other side” of these attacks and retaliations are not covered on the mainstream media. As of now, I haven’t read of any bloodshed due to this.

However, it just bubbles my mind. Could this new leap of information evolution and the after effects render the start right recipe for yet another World War? what IF, China or North Korea was behind the whole idea of WikiLeaks (and the like to come up within next weeks) and the US (or West) declares war on the grounds of “freedom for the world”? Wouldn’t that be the World War III? 

As for one, I personally do not want that to happen and my grandchildren (if humanity, including myself survives) to read “World War III : West vs East”.

Think about this!

1 comment:

//Sub/Corpus said...

yes sir,
it was sensational revelations ...
but why did you expect to hear about the suppression on main stream media ... if the suppression effort was on media ... that would have been an oxymoron wouldn't it ???
also, i seriously don;t think that USA is gonna go to war with china ... if there was ever a country that is a legitimate threat to USA ... it is china ...
further ??? why r u asking us to think about this ??? we d not wanna think about this ... thats why we are reading your infrequently updated blog !!!